On Wed, 12 Apr 2017, Jürgen Hestermann wrote:

Am 2017-04-12 um 16:17 schrieb Ryan Joseph:
> SetLength resizes the array in memory and “clear” means setting all values to default() for that type.

"clear" is not very clear to me ;-)
IMO SetLength(array,0) is clearing too.

The function you want should be called "Fill".
For example a function


But what happens to a multi-dimensional (dynamic) array?
For example, how to handle this case:

Type MyType = record
              A : Integer;
              B : array of char;
              C : array of Float;
              end; // of record
     ArrayA = array of MyType;
     ArrayB = array of ArrayA.

What would be the DefaultValue for



I would think Nil is the only option here,  ArrayB is an array of arrays

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