On 2017-07-12 15:06, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:
You can't. There are no provisions for this.

I usually make the differences clear in the <descr> </descr> node.

Thanks Michael. I've been playing around with fpdoc and trying a few things and then reviewing the results. Attached is the output I have thus far for ovorloaded functions.

  In generates multiple "Arguments" sections, and they seem to appear
  in the same order as what they are in the "Declaration" section.
  I only documented each parameter once in the XML, and fpdoc
  duplicated it to match the Declaration section.

  It kind of works, but there is definitely place for improvement in
  the HTML output (layout of information).

ps #1:
I haven't tried documenting function results yet, so not sure what FPDOC is going to do with that in this output.

ps #2:
Also not the "Errors" section. There I simply used the <p> tags to document both possible error results. I couldn't see any other way of doing it.


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