On 2017-07-22 21:50, Marcos Douglas B. Santos wrote:
I would like to know if there is a way to abort all other test and an
specific one fail. I mean, if some "special tests" fail, will be a
waste of time to continue.

There is such functionality in FPTest (the DUnit2 fork for Free Pascal). Take a look at the EarlyExitCheck() check procedure. For more detailed information, read the docs/DUnit2Description.html page in the repository, and then jump to the "Summary Level Checks" section.

FPTest (and DUnit2 from SF.net) are backwards compatible with DUnit v9.4, but also has many more improvements and features.

The FPTest code repository can be found here:


or cloned directly via:

  git clone git://github.com/graemeg/fptest.git


fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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