Den 2018-05-01 kl. 09:50, Ryan Joseph <> wrote:
On Apr 25, 2018, at 9:43 PM, Michael Van Canneyt<>  wrote:

Ah, webgl...

I had a look at this some time ago, and got depressed. Quickly closed the 
browser and didn't look back. Same for webaudio:(
I’m actually a little curious about this myself because I’ve been using OpenGL 
often recently. I’ve seen the Ingemar’s demos but I only slightly grasp how 
it’s working.

The wiki says you’re actually parsing the Pascal (not compiling it) and 
outputting JavaScript. If that’s the case then how does porting libraries work 
in practice? For examples lets say I want to translate a single OpenGL 
function, how does that look?

I found it surprisingly easy to import undefined JavaScript functions working from examples in the interfaces. I believe web.pas was particularly useful. I also made some changes in web.pas. Well, why not say what: I made localStorage public instead of private. And I think "strokeStyle" was spelled "strokeStye". Also added

    procedure ellipse(x, y, radiusX, radiusY: TCanvasCoordType; rotation, startAngle, endAngle: Real; anticlockwise: Boolean);

into TJSCanvasRenderingContext2D.

Not that much though.

WebGL is interesting for me, and being an OpenGL expert (teaching it for many years, written two course books on the subject and tons of code), I am happy to contribute any way I can. If nothing else, I can promise some decent demos, and testing of course.


fpc-pascal maillist  -

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