This is my function that seems to cause this more than anything else… it’s 
ridiculously simple… 


Function ExtractFilePathAndNameWithoutExt(Filenametouse:String):String;


   ExtractFilePathAndNameWithoutExt := 



I stuck a bunch of Writeln’s in it to try to figure out what the heck is 
happening… my normal response when I need to track something down and the debug 
information is not clear.


Function ExtractFilePathAndNameWithoutExt(Filenametouse:String):String;


   Writeln('Filenametouse: ',Filenametouse);

   Writeln('ExtractFileExt(Filenametouse): ',ExtractFileExt(Filenametouse));


   Writeln('Length(Filenametouse): ',Length(Filenametouse));


   ExtractFilePathAndNameWithoutExt := 



The results I get when it fails are :

   Writeln('Filenametouse: ',Filenametouse);    This gives me what I expect:  a 
valid filename with full path


   Writeln('ExtractFileExt(Filenametouse): ',ExtractFileExt(Filenametouse));   
This gives me what I expect:  the extension only from the above file name


',rpos(ExtractFileExt(Filenametouse),Filenametouse));  This is what’s causing 
the error… strangely it does the Writeln AFTER the error..  I don’t understand 
how that can even happen.


I tested this selecting the same 3 files over and over until it failed.  Here 
is the Console output showing the last good set and the failre:

-------------------------------------- Console 





4 Files Selected

Filenametouse: M:\elipse_1.dpax

ExtractFileExt(Filenametouse): .dpax

rpos(ExtractFileExt(Filenametouse),Filenametouse): 12

Length(Filenametouse): 16


Drawing: M:\elipse_1

Filenametouse: M:\elipse_2.dpax

ExtractFileExt(Filenametouse): .dpax

rpos(ExtractFileExt(Filenametouse),Filenametouse): 12

Length(Filenametouse): 16


Drawing: M:\elipse_2

Filenametouse: M:\elipse_3.dpax

ExtractFileExt(Filenametouse): .dpax

rpos(ExtractFileExt(Filenametouse),Filenametouse): 12

Length(Filenametouse): 16


Drawing: M:\elipse_3





4 Files Selected

Filenametouse: M:\elipse_1.dpax

ExtractFileExt(Filenametouse): .dpax

An unhandled exception occurred at $0040ED1A:

EAccessViolation: Access violation


  $004026DB  main,  line 119 of i:/programming/gcode/mill/plotdraw.pax.pas



--------------------------------------End Console 


Does anyone have any idea at all why RPOS could not determine that the position 
of .dpax in M:\elipse_1.dpax was 12 like every other time I ran 


I ran this while looking at task manager and it starts up with 9.2MB of memory 
and that stays consistent, so I don’t think I have a memory leak anywhere.   
Any ideas??     I’m running on Windows 10,  compiling with FPC 3.0.4RC1 with 
the FPC text IDE.





From: fpc-pascal <> On Behalf Of James 
Sent: Tuesday, May 21, 2019 7:35 AM
To: 'FPC-Pascal users discussions' <>
Subject: [fpc-pascal] Debug Advice needed


I have this program that is confounding me.    It obtains a file name with 
GetOpenFileNameA then it processes the file and draws stuff on the screen, then 
loops back and gets another file name until GetOpenFileNameA returns a false… 
so as long as I keep giving it files it keeps running and if I cancel the file 
selection, it exits.    It will run in a loop like this various numbers of 
times… sometimes 4 times, sometimes 8 times, sometimes twice, sometimes 30 
times and then I get this access violation like this:


An unhandled exception occurred at $0040ED07:

EAccessViolation: Access violation




  $00402255  PLOTDRAWPAX,  line 76 of i:/programming/gcode/mill/plotdraw.pax.pas

  $00402705  main,  line 119 of i:/programming/gcode/mill/plotdraw.pax.pas


Line 76 is the a call to a procedure in another unit that’s very complicated 
and calls a lot of other functions and procedures.

I keep testing with the same 5 files over and over, and each file has processed 
fine many times so there isn’t a problem with the data in my files or the way I 
am processing it….  and there doesn’t seem to be a particular file that causes 
this.   I’m thinking I have some memory issue or something is not freeing or ? 


It’s also not always the same exact message.. sometimes I get 


An unhandled exception occurred at $0040ED07:

EAccessViolation: Access violation


  $004026DB  main,  line 118 of i:/programming/gcode/mill/plotdraw.pax.pas


Line 118 is a call to a function that is in no way related to the procedure 
that is called on line 76… it’s actually a ridiculously simple function.  
Exactly one line of code to it, and I have run that function millions of times 
with other programs that use the same unit.


The FPC text IDE is reporting runtime error 217 which doesn’t tell me much.. 
just an unhandled exception occurred.


My question is… how do I track these kinds of things down?    Is there a way I 
can use the hex addresses to see more precisely what caused the error?  

I’m confused why sometimes I get very detailed debug reports that get me to the 
exact command that caused the problem and other times I have some information 
but then it just stops and I have nothing following the hex addresses.



fpc-pascal maillist  -

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