On 3/15/2020 6:55 AM, Ryan Joseph via fpc-pascal wrote:
It's 2020 and the mail list is starting to really show its age. I don't get 
first messages from gmail and my personal web host is whitelisted, messages 
bounce when I use the wrong account by accident, hard to search the archives, 
can't post images and code easily (big problem!), messages gets lost or 
un-threaded when subjects are incorrect, and the list goes on (pun not 

Has there ever been any discussion into replacing it with a modern web based 
forum? I don't know how to manage this migration but it should be a goal for 
the future in my opinion.

Personally I really like the format used in forum.sublimetext.com which is from 

Completely irrelevant what year it is, I much rather prefer the mailing list over a forum. The main reason is simply that the mailing list is "non interactive", meaning my email client gets the new posts automatically and puts them in a suitable subfolder, where I can read and react to them at my leisure, I am not required to actively check if there is something new or a reply to an existing thread I am interested in.

A lot of issues that you mention can happen on a forum as well, so that is no argument. There are a lot of forums that in fact restrict the posting of images and other forms of attachments, simply to ward off the never ending endeavors of spam/malware spewing miscreants...


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