Unfortunately, I think a lot depends on when the 9.0 release appears,
because that will tell us if FM is on the more-or-less-standard 2-year
release cycle that many (most, I don't know...) Adobe products (the CS
suite, at least) seem to be on.

Also, I'd expect that Chris' codebase theory is going to manifest
itself in multi-product suites put together for tech writers...  They
put the marketing apparatus to address our vertical market over the
last year or two; next come the more tightly integrated products.


On 8/24/07, Chris Borokowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> FM8 looks like a codebase update to me. They've built in the
> infrastructure they need for most new features that require interaction
> with deeper layers of the underlying code, and made the application
> competitive so it can be on par with the rest of their coming office
> tools suite. The future is where the more cosmetic changes belong, as
> well as bigger ones that build on the infrastructure enhancements we've
> seen already.
> --- "Ridder, Fred" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > And IMO FM8.0 includes several pretty major new features and
> > capabilities, although from your perspective it may be easy to
> > dismiss them as "it's about time" features or things that don't
> > matter to you. In addition to Unicode support, both revision tracking
> > and the improvements to conditional text (Boolean expressions
> > for show/hide settings and better indications for overlapping
> > conditions) are big features that would have involved a lot of
> > development and testing effort. Yes, many of us have been
> > asking for these features for years, but seeing Adobe investing
> > resources to actually implement them in an application that
> > all the tea-leaf readers were proclaiming as a dead product
> > 3 or 4 years ago is very heartening.
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