Re. the infinity symbol, this is what I have tried:

1. When I copy the infinity symbol from the Character Map and paste it
directly into a new portrait FM document (unstructured) - paragraph set to
use Arial Unicode MS - the result is a question mark.

I also use an FM10 DITA application  to create XML files, so:

2. When I copy the infinity symbol from the Character Map and paste it
directly into a DITA XML file - opened in Notepad++ - the infinity symbol
appears correctly in the XML file.

3. When I open that XML file - via my FM10 DITA application -  into an FM
XML document, the infinity symbol is displayed correctly. I can copy the
infinity symbol - in DITA FM - and paste it in the Find Text window where
it also appears correct and where clicking find functions correctly.

4. I can copy the infinity symbols in my FM XML document, create a new
portrait FM document (unstructured) and it appears correct. When I then
change the para font from Arial Unicode MS to Times New Roman, the infinity
symbol still displays correctly but in the Times NR font.

5. I close and save the unstructured FM document and then reopen it and the
infinity symbols is displayed correctly in both Arial Unicode MS and Times
New Roman.

6. Lastly, I copied and pasted the symbol from the Character Map into a
regular Notepad document  and saved (UTF-8 encoding) and imported this text
file by copying into the unstructured FM file and it imported correctly.

So, I also couldn't find any keyboard shortcut method to produce the symbol
either, but using method 6, I could populate my FM document with the symbol
correctly and then be able to use it freely in the document. At least a

--Paul Wilbraham

Paul Wilbraham
Senior Consultant & Trainer
T: 0131 226 5893
M: 07928 797 281

On 13 February 2014 19:33, Fei Min Lorente <>wrote:

>  I'm working in FrameMaker 10 on Windows 7 and I cannot insert the
> infinity symbol. According to the FrameMaker character set documentation,
> it is Unicode 221E, but perhaps all that information is obsolete now. In
> any case, I tried holding down Alt while I pressed +221e, and all I got was
> the Edit menu. I can't find a keyboard shortcut for it. I resorted to
> getting the symbol in Word and copying and pasting it into FrameMaker, but
> seriously, is that what I have to do? Or do I have to create an equation
> and insert the symbol?
> My colleague is also working in FrameMaker 10 on Windows 7 and she can't
> use the keyboard shortcuts (such as ctrl-q shift-8 to get a TM symbol). She
> gets other characters instead. She's resorted to copying and pasting from
> Word, and those all work except for the infinity symbol. All the
> information I've found on the internet has been for FrameMaker 7 or older.
> Can anyone tell me what to do for FrameMaker 10?
> Fei Min Lorente
> Senior Technical Communicator
> Medical and Wireless Division
> +1 519-884-9696 ext. 2229 | Waterloo office
> +1 519-831-4931 | mobile
> +1 905-631-5724 | fax
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