We password-protect them. We allow almost everything except making changes to the PDF, extracting, printing etc is OK.

The reason we do it is to maximise the odds that the user and Support are looking at the same text when they call Support. We have no concerns over the texts being copied etc.


On 2015-03-03 21:12, Johnson, Joyce wrote:
We deliver user guides (software and hardware) to customers  via
password-protected pdfs, loaded onto servers and also posted on our
customer web portal.

I’m wondering how members of this group deliver customer-facing
documents. Do you use pdfs? If so, do you secure those pdfs? If you
secure them, how do you accommodate in-house colleagues who request
unsecured pdfs so they can extract pages and images?

Thanks in advance for your responses.


Johan Anglemark

Tel: 0708-65 10 88

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