I think that a UG should not have more than 4 heading levels. More the?heading 
levels, more the user will be forced to scroll up and down or click the expand 
all/collapse all button if it is going to be converted into online format.

Your smile can help you clear all types of interviews
N. Jain


From: "Evanth, Henrik" <henrik.eva...@sonyericsson.com>
To: "framers at lists.frameusers.com" <framers at lists.frameusers.com>
Sent: Wednesday, July 15, 2009 12:55:30 PM
Subject: OT: Heading levels in a UG

Hi All

I have an off-topic question that may or may not interest you. 

We are having a discussion at the office regarding the maximum levels of 
heading that a User guide/User manual can/should contain. Do you know of any 
best practice rules that define how deep a publication should/could be. 
Personally I think that 6 levels is too deep for a user, but that is just a 
personal preference that I cannot back up with "evidence".

Heading 1
? Heading 2
? ? ? Heading 3
? ? ? ? Heading 4
? ? ? ? ? ? Heading 5
? ? ? ? ? ? ? Heading 6
Insights, comments or instructions are highly appreciated.

Best Regards


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