Tina Ricks wrote:

> One friend suggested I set the pagination at the book file level.
> However,
> if I right-click the book file, Pagination is grayed out.

Your friend is correct, but didn't provide enough information. In the book 
window, select all the files, right-click, and select Pagination. In the 
Pagination dialog, you'll find that 1st Page Side can now be set to Next 
Available. Set Before Saving & Printing to Delete Empty Pages, click Set, and 
you're done. 

The concept of Next Available has no meaning when you're dealing with an 
individual file (which could be standalone or contained in multiple books), 
only at the book level. But it's still a characteristic of a file. You might, 
for instance, want some files in your book to start on the next available page, 
but others (the first chapter, maybe, or the index) to start on a Right page. 
So you make the settings at the book level in the book window, but by selecting 
the applicable files, not the book. 

Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom

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