Great one Jeremy! Thanks sooooooo much for the repost. One hint, if I
might. I recently published a Kindle book after many hours of research.
Setting the fonts doesn't do much because the Kindle user can set what they
want it to be. I streamlined and focused on 2-3 headings that were
proportionally larger than the body text.

Don't know if that is useful and hope it saves someone the time I spent
putzing with the stuff!

Big hugs

On Tue, Feb 21, 2012 at 4:28 PM, Jeremy H. Griffith <jeremy at>wrote:

> I sent this to Hedley off list, and he urged me to repost it
> on Framers.  So here it is.
> --Jeremy
> On Wed, 11 Jan 2012 18:34:32 +1100, Hedley Finger <hedley.finger at
> >
> wrote:
> >Do you or will you have in the future a mif2go *.mobi, *.prc, or *.azw
> >generator?  I have attached a copy of the Amazon Kindle Publishing
> >Guidelines for your perusal.
> I found a fairly simple method, at least to MOBI for Kindle,
> but the same toolset does many more formats.
> First, get Calibre.  It's free:
> Run it and set up its own empty directory somewhere.
> Now set up your Frame book as usual  If you have stuff
> before the TOC, like cover, title page, etc., put that in
> one Frame file and include it as the first item in the
> TOC (possibly conditioned out for PDF or other formats).
> Make sure you add the char format for page numbers in
> the TOC so you can tell M2G to delete them (par.
> Set up a Mif2Go project for plain HTML, with wrap and
> ship on, so you get a zip of the HTML.  Run it.
> Make sure you don't get the log file in the wrap
> dir; if you did, remove it from the .zip.  It will
> mess you up.
> In the Wrap dir, rename the *TOC.htm to index.htm.
> Remove the *TOC.htm from the zip, and put in index.htm.
> (In Win 7, you can do that with Explorer.)
> In Calibre, Add Book and select the zip you made.
> Calibre copies it into its own dir.  Fill in the
> metadata Calibre wants (title, author, lang, etc.).
> With the zip selected in Calibre, Convert to MOBI.
> Look at all the screens before telling it to start;
> under Look and Feel, disable scaling of fonts, and
> under Structure, specify NO TOC.  You may see other
> tweaks you want to make.
> Look at the resulting MOBI in a viewer, preferably
> a real Kindle or the Amazon Kindle app on your desktop.
> Calibre has its own viewer, but it doesn't behave the
> same as Kindle.  I wasted some time fixing things that
> were fine on the actual Kindle.  For example, Kindle
> puts a page break for each new HTML file, so you can
> control those by where you Split.  The Calibre viewer
> ran them all together.
> You will probably want to make changes in font size,
> alignment, indents, etc.  Open the local.css in the
> wrap dir in an editor like Notepad++ and adjust it.
> Save, and drag the CSS to the .zip in the Calibre
> directory.  Rerun the Convert.  I did this about 20
> times.  ;-)
> There you are...  Took me about five hours for the
> first 200-page book, and an hour for the second one.
> Note:  Most of that time was spent tweaking CSS.
> The different e-readers are totally inconsistent in
> their support, even of the simplest things like
> left-margin.
> -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.
>  <jeremy at>
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love and light, hugs and blessings

MamaRed Knight
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