Run-in heading with the symbol, then next heading with the text and auto 
numbering and punctuation and tab. Select the symbol heading, press Enter 
without typing anything. If symbol heading has numbering heading as Next Pgf, 
it will all work automatically.

On March 18, 2019 10:02:26 AM EDT, "Harding, Dan" <> wrote:
>Good morning,
>My searches came up zilch for this. I want to set up paragraph
>autonumbering  that includes a symbol, let's say in Zapf Dingbats, and
>then a string of text in the default paragraph font. I can't figure out
>how to do this, as the autonumbering settings only allow a single font
>style for the entire autonumber sequence. There's no ability to change
>fonts within the autonumbering.
><symbol> PLANNING TIP #<n+>:\t
>Then run-in to paragraph text. I want all of the above to be part of
>the autonumbering. I tried putting <character style> into the
>autonumber sequence, but it doesn't like that and prints the chars
>verbatim including the <>.
>How can I accomplish this?
>Thanks in advance,
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