Caramel Pecan Pie

1 9-inch pie crust, pre-baked for 12 minutes at 350 degrees F 
1 cup  brown sugar  
3/4 cup  butter 
1/2 cup honey  
3 tablespoons sugar  
1/2 cup heavy cream  
1/4 teaspoon vanilla  
3 cups  pecans, toasted and chopped  
Combine sugars, butter, and honey in a heavy-bottom sauce pot; cook over a 
medium heat, and stir only until melted. Heat until mixture reaches 240 degrees 
F on a candy thermometer. Remove from heat and stir in heavy cream and pecans; 
mixture will bubble slightly. Pour into pre-baked pie shell and bake for 
approximately 30-35 minutes. Cool. Pie will set completely when cooled. 

Yield 6-8 servings
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