Cucumber Ranch Steaks

4 beef shoulder center steaks (Ranch Steak), cut 3/4 inch thick (about 5 oz. 
1/2 cup finely chopped, seeded cucumber 
1/4 cup prepared ranch dressing 
1 Tbsp. garlic-pepper seasoning 
1 small tomato, seeded, diced (optional) 

Combine cucumber and dressing in small bowl. Set aside.

Press garlic-pepper seasoning evenly onto beef steaks. Place steaks on grid 
over medium, ash-covered coals. Grill, covered 9 to 11 minutes for medium rare 
to medium doneness, turning once.

Serve steaks with cucumber sauce. Garnish with tomato, if desired.

To easily seed a cucumber, cut it lengthwise in half and use the tip of a 
teaspoon to scrape out the seeds.
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