Hi all,

As a long time lurker from SA I obviously don't get to the meetings. Hope you guys are all well across the border and taking care.

I thought I'd add a recommendation for a backup solution since one was mentioned below. I note that the luckybackup website warns that development is essentially frozen on it, which not so ideal for something as critical.

I recommend you at least take a look at Duplicati (not to be confused with the more widely known Duplicity) <https://www.duplicati.com/>. Being Free software designed for linux with a web based interface and actively developed I've yet to find anything better. I've tried a large number of linux backup solutions over the years, and even been an active contributor to one in the past. Duplicati is best of class so far as I have found, it supports local backups but excels at fully encrypted incremental cloud backups with a range of hosting providers. I've been using Duplicati for probably 3-4 years and found it reliable and effective and have used it to recover files too. I've used both the S3 and Backblaze backends, the latter being very cost effective.


On Fri, Jul 31, 2020 at 18:30, PuZZleDucK <puzzled...@gmail.com> wrote:
Hey folks,

Great turnout to our first virtual "Free Software Show and Tell" evening this month. Thanks to everyone who stepped up and showed off a cool Free
Software or Open Source project they liked.

I've put together a list of links for the projects we discussed on the
night so we can all check out the projects and maybe give them try:

Big Blue Button - free software web conferencing system for GNU/Linux
 - <https://bigbluebutton.org/>

Session - Session is an end-to-end encrypted messenger that removes
sensitive metadata collection
 - <https://getsession.org/>

PDFArranger - merge or split pdf documents
 - <https://github.com/jeromerobert/pdfarranger>

Wireguard - simple and fast modern VPN
 - <https://www.wireguard.com/>

DBeaver - multi-platform database tool
 - <https://github.com/dbeaver/dbeaver>

Xournal++ - notetaking, sketching, keeping a journal using a stylus
 - <https://github.com/xournalpp/xournalpp>

youtube-dl - accessing video from iView and SBS OnDemand without DRM
 - <https://github.com/ytdl-org/youtube-dl/>

rsync - fast incremental file transfer
 - <https://rsync.samba.org/>

lucky backup - powerful, fast and reliable backup and sync tool
 - <http://luckybackup.sourceforge.net/>

flameshot - Powerful yet simple to use screenshot software
 - <https://flameshot.js.org/#/>

aseprite - create animated sprites
 - <https://github.com/aseprite/aseprite>

sfxr - Quick 'n' easy game sound effects generator
 - <http://sfxr.me/>

simplescreenrecorder - record programs and games
 - <https://www.maartenbaert.be/simplescreenrecorder/>

pdfpc - presenter console with multi-monitor support for PDF files
 - <https://pdfpc.github.io/>

restic - a program that does backups right
 - <https://restic.net/>

Syncthing - continuous file synchronization program
 - <https://syncthing.net/>

Workrave - assists in the recovery and prevention of Repetitive Strain
 - <https://workrave.org/>

prism-break - encrypting your communications and ending your reliance on
proprietary services
 - <https://prism-break.org/>

privacytools.io - provides services, tools and knowledge to protect your
privacy against global mass surveillance
 - <https://www.privacytools.io/>

MrRescue - arcade styled 2d action game
 - <https://tangramgames.dk/games/mrrescue/>

Alternatives to: MS Project?
- WeKan
- Gnome Planner
- Emacs Org-mode

Alternatives to Photsohop?
- Gimp
- Krita
- Inkscape

Alternatives to MS Office for linux?
- Libre Office

I was a bit distracted by the new format and wasn't taking my usual notes
during this one, so I apologise if I missed anyone's favorite pick.

There was certainly a lot of interest in backups and backup systems. It's not something I've got much experience in, but if someone is interested in presenting a more in depth review and/or tutorial we'd love to hear from

Thanks everyone for coming along and making FSM online work and we'll catch
you next month at Free Software Melbourne.
~~ Ben
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