Hey folks,
It has been brought to my attention that the Australian Online Safety Bill is 
on the brink of being passed in the Senate despite opposition concerns, greens 
party objections, a needlessly rushed consultation period and general unease 
amongst the tech community.

Here are a few useful and informative links about the topic:
* Online Safety Bill 2021 - [Australian Parliament Website Status of the 
* [Innovation Australia 
 - Good general summary
* [The Conversation 
 - Focusing on censorship concerns
* [ZDNet 
 - Focusing on discrimination concerns
* [Digital Rights 
 - Additionally covers concerns for privacy and encryption

If you can find the time please reach out to one of your representatives and 
email or call them about your concerns around censorship, discrimination, lack 
of oversight, lack of complaints mechanism and/or the rushed and quiet nature 
of the process and consultation. There is a "full" list of [members and 
here](https://gist.github.com/tennantje/8ee584d9c534ce6a57910668b277394d), but 
the process is up to the senate and we have included a list of particularly 
relevant senators here:

* Senator Bridget McKenzie - senator.mcken...@aph.gov.au (0354414251)
* Senator Jane Hume - senator.h...@aph.gov.au (0392328820)
* Senator Janet Rice - senator.r...@aph.gov.au (0393846199)
* Senator the Hon Kim Carr - senator.c...@aph.gov.au (0396392798)
* Ms Sarah Henderson - sarah.henderson...@aph.gov.au (0352431444)
* Senator the Hon Scott Ryan - senator.r...@aph.gov.au (0393261088)

Or better yet you can find all the Victorian senate members and contact details 
[on the APH 
 and contact them through there.

~~ Ben
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