Hello everyone,

EmacsConf is the conference about the joy of Emacs, Emacs Lisp, and memorising key bindings.

The 2021 Edition will take place 27th-28th November online, and the CFP is open until 30th September (<https://emacsconf.org/2021/cfp/>).

If you have never heard of Emacs, it is an extensible self-documenting Lisp environment disguised as a text editor. You can use it as vi (<https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/Evil>), to take notes and plan your days (<https://orgmode.org/>), send emails (like this one), browse the web (<https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/eww>), as a window manager (<https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/EXWM>), or even unleash the power of butterflies (<https://xkcd.com/378/>).

EmacsConf is a conference for people of all levels and backgrounds. In my view the 2020 Edition was one of the best organised online conferences. You can find more about the conference by checking out artefacts from the 2019 (<https://emacsconf.org/2019/schedule/>) and 2020 (<https://emacsconf.org/2020/schedule/>) editions.

As is often the case, the timing of the 2021 conference is unfavourable to us poor Antipodeans (9am-5pm American Eastern Standard time on either day, which translates to 1am-9am Australian Eastern Daylight Saving Time), and to a lesser extent the rest of the APAC region. But worry not, as the timing also provides a perfect opportunity for us to take over once they are done, at least on Sunday 28th November. The EmacsConf organisers are indeed considering an "off-hour" session taking place during Australian day time on 28th November, and I am working with them on this.

To that end, I would like to understand the level of interest. Are you interested in giving a talk at EmacsConf? Would you like the Saturday talks restreamed during day time on Sunday? If there's restreaming, would you like the possibility of speakers being present for live Q&As? Please let me know (h...@ypei.me). If you would like to give a talk, feel free to also submit your propsal directly (<https://emacsconf.org/2021/submit/>).


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