On Fri, Oct 13, 2023 at 7:34 PM Warner Losh <i...@bsdimp.com> wrote:
> Let me now if you see similar messages in stable/14. I think I've fixed all 
> the
> issues with timeouts, though you shouldn't ever seem them in a vm setup
> unless something else weird is going on.

I'd be interested in a repo case too as I haven't seen the NVMe
emulation in bhyve do this before. Were there any error messages from

The guest log messages seem to suggest that the backing storage for
the emulated device is timing out. If your comment

> I had similar issues on my workstation as well.  Scrubbing the NVMe
> device on my real-hardware workstation hasn't turned up any issues, but
> the system has locked up a handful of times.

means the host is seeing NVMe errors on the drives backing the
zpool/zvol used by the emulated device, this might explain it.
Although, it is curious the emulated controller had trouble resetting
(i.e., the error message "controller ready did not become 1 within
30500 ms").


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