On Thu, Mar 15, 2001 at 11:13:09AM -0600, Peter Schultz wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 12, 2001 at 05:52:00PM -0600, Jonathan Lemon wrote:
> > I committed a miibus'ified fxp driver to the tree today, and made
> > it the default.  If you compile fxp into your kernel statically,
> > you will also need "device miibus" as well, if it isn't there already.
> > 
> > If you notice any problems with the driver (things that were working
> > and are not working now), please let me know.  If you happend to have
> > a chip that did _NOT_ work but now DOES work, please boot the machine
> > with -v, and send me the line that says "PCI IDs:".
> > 
> > If you have a fxp device that still doesn't work, then please get
> > in touch with me (and send the output of the line above).
> > --
> > Jonathan
> > 
> Hi Jonathan,
> I've got a slight problem in that it is not correctly auto detecting
> the media type.  It should be setting itself to 10baseT/UTP.  I'm
> running DHCP on my -current machine and I'm not sure how to set it
> so that it configures the interface correctly.  It previously "just
> worked" without any special media settings.  Is there something I
> can provide to help correct this?

something like:

interface "fxp0" {
        media "media 100baseTX mediaopt full-duplex";

in /etc/dhclient.conf will make dhclient DTRT when ifconfig ing the
interface.  Of course, that means that you're forcing the 
interface to be 100meg (which won't work when you plug your
laptop in $CLIENT's 10 meg hub)

Mike Bristow, seebitwopie  

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