On Mon, 23 May 2011 14:29:45 -0700, Kevin Oberman wrote:
> I installed 4.0.8 this morning and it works very well. No problems at
> all to this point using FreeBSD as the host and Windows7 as guest. I
> may install Fedora a bit later.
> So far everything seems to be working very well. The issues I had with
> 4.0.4 are gone and there is USB support. (I have yet to try it, though.)
> One thing I realized quickly is that I didn't have VNC support. A small
> bit of looking made me realize that I needed to re-build with different
> config options and it is rebuilding now.
> I would suggest that you look at adding a config section to the wiki.
> While most options are pretty obvious, I had to look up VDE (don't need
> it) and I still don't know what 'Webservice' covers. (Not knowing, I
> didn't enable it.) It also does not even mention the virtualbox-ose-kmod
> port. I know it will be installed as a dependency, but it could easily
> be missed in an upgrade. Even in the handbook entry (which is looking a
> bit stale) the only option mentioned is GuestAdditions.
> I'm willing to re-work the handbook entry and submit it to whoever is
> appropriate and can add a 'config' section to the wiki if it's OK, once
> I know what all the options really mean.

How about fixing the option descriptions? I would be glad if some
native speaker could come up with better descriptions that fit into the
maximum length. For now I just try to describe what the options do:

QT4             QT4 frontend
DEBUG           Additional logging and a lot of asserts
DBUS            DBUS+HAL and we need this for Host CD/DVD access
PULSEAUDIO      PulseAudio sound output
X11             Provides an SDL frontend and is required for QT4 frontend
VDE             Virtual Distributed Ethernet driver 
VNC             VNC server support
WEBSERVICE      SOAP backend used by eg www/phpvirtualbox
NLS             NLS support for the QT4 frontend

Bernhard Fröhlich
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