On 25.10.2011 15:37, Rusty Nejdl wrote:
Is anyone working on porting 4.0.14?  Also, is there any update on
committing that and kbuild to the ports tree?  I checked
http://home.bluelife.at/ports/ and don't see anything recent.

4.0.14 and 4.1.4 is ready to be committed to the tree but this will happen after the FreeBSD 9.0 release. Main reason for that is that we need to synchronize this with the kBuild update so we need to throw out 3.2.12 at the same time and also update 4.0.12 to 4.0.14 because 4.0.12 requires the old kBuild that we currently have and 4.0.14 requires the new one. Timing on that is really bad because if we had 2-3 weeks more time I would do a cft and try to get it committed before 9.0 but we are already on RC1 and I don't want to push it in just to release with broken vbox packages.

Additionally I've put all my spare time in the last 2 months into redports.org to get it going so I did not have much time for virtualbox. I hope this will change once the first redports beta starts which is planned in about a month but we will see. So if anyone cares to help out on virtualbox this would be a good time now.

Bernhard Froehlich
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