On 30.01.2012 09:26, Yuri wrote:
After I restored the snapshot (of Windows 7 guest) I get such error
while launching the machine again:
"Unsupported version 2 of data unit '8237A" (instance #0, pass 0xffffffff)

I am not sure if this is FreeBSD specific or generic.

FreeBSD-9.0-STABLE amd64

From vbox developers:
Up to version 4.0 vbox used only version 1 of saved state of the DMA controller. With vbox 4.1 a new version 2 was introduced which cannot be used with an older
vbox version.

So have you probably created a snapshot with a newer vbox 4.1.x and then switched back to vbox 4.0.x and restored the snapshot there? If that is the case you can restore the snapshot with 4.1.x and be sure that there is no saved state anymore
and then switch back to 4.0.x.

Bernhard Fröhlich
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