On Friday, November 12, 2010 1:40:00 pm Paul LeoNerd Evans wrote:
> I'm trying to build a high-level language wrapper around kqueue/kevent,
> specifically, a Perl wrapper.
> (In fact I am trying to fix this bug:
>   http://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=61481
> )
> My plan is to use the  void *udata  field of a kevent watcher to store a
> pointer to some user-provided Perl data structure (an SV*), to associate
> with the event. Typically this could be a code reference for an event
> callback or similar, but the exact nature doesn't matter. It's a pointer
> to a reference-counted data structure. SvREFCNT_dec(sv) is the function
> used to decrement the reference counter.
> To account for the fact that the kernel stores a pointer here, I'm
> artificially increasing the reference count on the object, so that it
> still remains alive even if the rest of the Perl code drops it, to rely
> on getting it back out of the kernel in an individual kevent. At some
> point when the kernel has finished looking after the event, this count
> needs to be decreased again, so the structure can be freed.
> I am having trouble trying to work out how to do this, or rather, when.
> I have the following problems:
>  * If the event was registered using EV_ONESHOT, when it gets fired the
>    flags that come back in the event stucture do not include EV_ONESHOT.
>  * Some events can only happen once, such as watching for EVFILT_PROC
>    NOTE_EXIT events.
>  * The kernel can silently drop watches, such as when the process calls
>    close() on a filehandl with an EVFILT_READ or EVFILT_WRITE watch.
>  * There doesn't seem to be a way to query that pointer back out of the
>    kernel, in case the user code wants to EV_DELETE the watch.
> These problems all mean that I never quite know when I ought to call
> SvREFCNT_dec() on that pointer.
> My current best-attack plan looks like the following:
>  a) Store a structure in the  void *udata  that contains the actual SV*
>     pointer and a flag to remember if the event had been installed as
>     EV_ONESHOT (or remember if it was one of the event types that is
>     oneshot anyway)
>  b) Store an entire mapping in userland from filter+identity to pointer,
>     so that if userland wants to EV_DELETE the watch early, it has the
>     pointer to be able to drop it.
> I can't think of a solution to the close() problem at all, though.
> Part a of my solution seems OK (though I'd wonder why the flags back
> from the kernel don't contain EV_ONESHOT), but part b confuses me. I had
> thought the point of kqueue/kevent is the O(1) nature of it, which is
> among why the kernel is storing that  void *udata  pointer in the first
> place. If I have to store a mapping from every filter+identity back to
> my data pointer, why does the kernel store one at all? I could just
> ignore the udata field and use my mapping for my own purposes.
> Have I missed something here, then? I was hoping there'd be a nice way
> for kernel to give me back those pointers so I can just decrement a
> refcount on it, and have it reclaimed. 

I think the assumption is that userland actually maintains a reference on the 
specified object (e.g. a file descriptor) and will know to drop the associated 
data when the file descriptor is closed.  That is, think of the kevent as a 
member of an eventable object rather than a separate object that has a 
reference to the eventable object.  When the eventable object's reference 
count drops to zero in userland, then the kevent should be deleted, either via 
EV_DELETE, or implicitly (e.g. by closing the associated file descriptor).

I think in your case you should not give the kevent a reference to your 
object, but instead remove the associated event for a given object when an 
object's refcount drops to zero.

John Baldwin
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