I've been doing a few one-on-one sessions at iXsystems explaining the git model to developers and have had much success.

Tomorrow at BAFUG (http://www.meetup.com/BAFUG-Bay-Area-FreeBSD-User-Group/events/144351492/) I will be doing a quick talk on git and then doing a breakaway session on managing large projects using git.

This week Alfred Perlstein will have a GIT talk for FreeBSD users, and offer a 1-2 hour demo in a break awayfor people interested in doing a hands-on GIT experience managing a large project.

We will cover migration of your FreeBSD customizations based on one version of FreeBSD to another FreeBSD version. Specifically, Alfred will be doing a hands-on using "rebasing", to do this migration.

To participate, all that needs to be done is to have run "git clone https://github.com/freebsd/freebsd"; beforehand (as this takes about 30 minutes).

In addition, a computer with wi-fi or some internet connection to github.com <http://github.com/> is needed.

As a prerequisite, it is expected that you have some understanding of "patch(1)" and "diff(1)".

There will be no recording allowed and the format will allow only for short discussion and no derailing. Discussion of other SCM tools is only appropriate in the context of understanding what we are doing in git. Advocacy of other SCM tools will not be tolerated. If you can not abide by these rules you will be asked to leave the session.

The workshop will mostly focus on "git rebase" of a large project, however we may cover a few other areas depending on how much progress we make in the 1-2 hours we set aside.

Again, if you want to participate, show up on time and make sure you have a git clone of freebsd already made!


Alfred Perlstein

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