Willem writes:
> Marvell  is among the hardest to get the stuff from.

One wonders how they expect to sell parts?

> Perhaps this is somethings you could also do for this problem. Find a
> coorperative PM board manufacturer, and bigback on their support with
> the promise to "support" their PM boards in FreeBSD.
> Motivation for them would have to be that there could be a sales
> advantage in selling PM boards to FreeBSDers. And given that we
> advertise that ZFS does not need complex/expensive  RAID controllers
> will increase the usage of more simple devices.

IIUC we have software RAID, thus we don't "need" complex/expensive
RAID controllers regardless of fs.

Don't the various BSDs mostly use the same drivers?  Perhaps we could
promise sales for Dragon/Open/Net as well as FreeBSD?

> Otehr way about it would be to involve the FreeBSD foundation, and get
> them to do the legal part of the stuff as a umbrella for the developers,
> and then delegate (again under NDA) work to developers that want to work
> on Marvell stuff.

Sounds promising.
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