On Wed, 21 Jan 2009, Miroslav Lachman wrote:


Stef wrote:
Miroslav Lachman wrote:

Stef wrote:

I've released a bsnmp module for monitoring jails via SNMP. Stuff like
network traffic, disk space, CPU utilization etc...

FreeBSD port attached, available here:


Thank you for your announcement and your work! I will test it as soon as

Is there some limitation of FreeBSD version (6.x / 7.x / 8.x; i386 /
amd64) or is it compatible with "all"?

I hope it's compatible with all of the above. If you find problems with
later OS's or other architectures, I'd be happy to help find the
problems, or include patches.

When it was initially developed, 6.3 was the latest stable release of
FreeBSD. It's been deployed on a  dozen production 6.3-RELEASE i386
servers (each with lots of jails).

I added link to your website on http://wiki.freebsd.org/Jails
Do you plan to submit PR with port? Let me know if you submit it, so I can update the wiki page.

I see a few problems with the module (and I haven't investigated a lot

- the entire pcap stuff in there
- the inode and cpu usage stuff in there

This is all going to break on the assumption that jails do use things
exlusively. For example there can be 10 jails all sharing the same IP.
There can be jails all sharing the same fs, nullfs mounts, ...
And to my understanding the cpu usage reported is at best a snapshot
guess but no clean statics value.

I admit that those things (apart from traffic which really belongs
elsewhere) can become interesting with resource limit patches where we
get get proper values from elsewhere w/o having to do guess-math.

- no support for jails in HEAD (and soon in 7)
- does the MIB list the IP address(es)?
- private copies of xprison structures
- ...

I have the feeling that this will need a bit of polishing and
separation of things...

I hope Shteryana may join in here ...

Bjoern A. Zeeb                      The greatest risk is not taking one.
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