
Antranig "antranigv" Vartanian has had this review open for a couple
months at this point: https://reviews.freebsd.org/D24570 -- I'd like
to try and get this review hammered out and finished within the next

Currently it adds an /etc/jail.d, but the point was raised that we
have a mixture of these with different naming conventions and that
/etc/jail.conf.d may be better -- I'm inclined to agree since
jail.conf.d would more directly imply that the contents are
jail.conf(5) format while jail.d might be too vague, but we're looking
for input here.

The motives behind a dedicated directory are the usual: cleaner /etc
if you have a lot of jail-specific conf and it offers less redundancy
in names.

Also, while I'm here, would anyone else have interest in joining a
#jail phabricator group if one were to be created?


Kyle Evans
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