On 2021-06-25 07:41, Michael Gmelin wrote:
It seems like non-anonymous POSIX shared memory is not freed
automatically when a jail is removed and keeps it in a dying state,
until the shared memory segment is deleted manually.

See below for the most basic example:

    [root@jailhost ~]# jail -c path=/ command=/bin/sh
    # posixshmcontrol create /removeme
    # exit
    [root@jailhost ~]# jls -dv -j shmtest dying

So at this point, the jail is stuck in a dying state.

Checking POSIX shared memory segments shows the shared memory segment
which is stopping the jail from crossing the Styx:

    [root@jailhost ~]# posixshmcontrol list
    MODE            OWNER   GROUP   SIZE    PATH
    rw-------       root    wheel   0       /removeme

After removing the shared memory segment manually...

    [root@jailhost ~]# posixshmcontrol rm /removeme

the jail passes away peacefully:

    [root@jailhost ~]#  jls -dv -j shmtest dying
    jls: jail "shmtest" not found

I wonder if it wouldn't make sense to always remove POSIX shared memory
created by a jail automatically when it's removed.

That does seem reasonable, though it would take some bookkeeping to do
right.  There is currently no concrete idea of a jail's ownership of a
POSIX shm object, as it uses only uid and gid for access permissions,
same as files.  The tie to the jail is in the underlying vm_object,
which holds a cred that references the jail - that seems to be what's
keeping the jail from going away.

Like files, POSIX shared memory is one way a jail may communicate with
the rest of the system.  So it's theoretically conceivable that shared
memory created by a defunct jail my still be in use by a parent jail,
in the same way that shared memory created by a defunct process is
still visible to other processes, but that may be a rare enough case
to disregard.

- Jamie

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