On Fri, Jul 30, 2010 at 17:15:16 +0200, Julian H. Stacey wrote:
> my problem, please answer. Maybe a single keyword is enough. :)
> Check: Heat ? Voltages ?
> ( I've had a few bits of hardware die the last few weeks, it's been
>   hot the last few weeks here in Munich where Frank & I are )
> Electrolytic capacitors when hotter dry & degrade faster ..
> Just a guess / last straw to clutch at & check ? . Good luck.

right now I check cpu, hdd and gfx card temperatures using munin
and there are no peaks or high values. The server is running in a
data center.

Also, running mtr on the host (I've put it into /etc/ttys now)
"cures" the problem instantly (0.2% packet loss for an incoming

Thanks for your input,

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