Beat Gätzi wrote:


I read at the project idea page about the UPDATING parser and displayer.
 I wrote a small script that parses and displays entries from
/usr/ports/UPDATING: pkg_updating

With the -p argument only entries for the given portname are shown.
Without the -p argument entries for all installed ports are shown. The
-f defines an alternative location of the UPDATING file. With the -d
argument only newer entries than the given date are shown.


Shows all entries of all installed ports:
# pkg_updating

Shows all entries of all installed ports since 2007-01-01
# pkg_updating -d 20070101

Shows all entries for all apache ports
# pkg_updating -p apache

It would be better if one can omit -p. Then pkg_updating will be more "compatible" with other pkg_* commands (e.g. pkg_info which shows all installed packages without any argument or just info for given package[s].
(so one can use `pkg_updating apache mysql` and get information for both)

Anyway your work is good!

Miroslav Lachman
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