On Mon, 18 Aug 2008 01:08:47 +0200
Sebastian Holmqvist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I took an interest in installing [EMAIL PROTECTED] earlier today, but I  
>couldn't get it started up properly. Some friends of mine enlightened  
>me that the current FBSD-version (5.04) is way outdated and may not  
>work. The most recent version is 6.02, and I would feel much better
>if it was in the ports-tree under watch rather than manually
>installing it :)
>Is this something you might take a look at? Let me know if there's  
>something I can assist with!

Did you notify the port maintainer: [EMAIL PROTECTED] regarding updating
the port. Port maintainers are often quite busy and may not always be
aware that a port needs to be updated.


40 isn't old.  If you're a tree.

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