On Mon, February 10, 2014 10:05 am, Peter Woitschikowski wrote:
> Hello,
> I am a professional Photographer and work on PCBSD.
> Iworks 15 Years on Linux / debian and Red Hat and have changed to FreeBsd.
>  I need to work with the Graphic-Tool Lightzone, but can not find it in
> the Port-Search.
> Please tell me how i can get it in a Port.
> Thank you,
> Peter
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Welcome to FreeBSD.

Here's 'a beginning' of a port I started this evening. I took the
LightZone sources and fiddled with them. It builds but I have not tested,
needs work. Maybe you can use them or hang out for awhile until I finish.
I'm not using PCBSD but FreeBSD 11.0-CURRENT. But I think the build
process should be compatible, I'll cross that bridge when I get to it. I'm
not super at java and I generally avoid it, but maybe this is a good tool
for photographers, I'll find out.

I ripped out all the irrelevant stuff from the source (ie, Linux, OSX,
Windows) and modified the linux build scripts. At the moment this is using
gcc46. Maybe when I'm through I can get it to work with clang.

Also, I yanked out the lcms library from the src dist. It's old and
'clashes' with lcms in ports. It seems to be built against an (ancient?)
tiff library, some changes were made to get it to build. But there are a
couple of tiff-related constants missing, they are commented out of the
source temporarily. Minor issue. Also the LightZone src seems to include
some compiled '.so' files which I do not believe will work on FreeBSD,
(sounds like a bad idea anyway) but I think the corresponding files are
built in ports/java/jai.. on my to-do list to work out. Also it's
complaining about not finding com.sun.java.help.search.Indexer when it
builds 'help' system. AFAIK that should be part of java/javahelp
(jhindexer). I disabled building help to get through the build for the
moment, i'll figure that out later.

ports needed:


i think that's it. well you might want to get git too.

here's the modified LightZone src on github:


to build go into the top of the LightZone directory (from the git repo)
and type:

# ant -f freebsd/build.xml

(you might need to set JAVA_HOME to /usr/local/openjdk6)

it should churn for awhile and spit stuff out and finally output something
like this:

      [jar] Building jar:
     [copy] Copying 1 file to


   [delete] Deleting:
      [jar] Building jar:


eventually (hopefully) this can turn into a useful port.

Waitman Gobble
San Jose California USA
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