On Sat, Oct 22, 2016 at 01:31:04PM +0200, Alphons van Werven wrote:
> I'm still half waiting for someone with misguided delusions of moral
> superiority to delete that port, thinking it's their decision to make
> that FreeBSD must not enable people to display their system load as a
> cartoon woman in various stages of undress.


It's not delusions of moral superiority.  It's common decency.

There's no "censorship" if the FreeBSD developers make a collective
decision that they don't want to be associated with juvenile junk
that makes them look like a bunch of out-of-touch clueless old white
guys; that instead they would like to look like adults rather than
some adolescent clique; and that instead they would like to seem more
welcoming to people that don't look, think, and talk exactly like
they do.

But your mileage may vary, and in this case, I'm practically certain
of it.

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