On Fri, Apr 08, 2005 at 01:26:02PM +0300, Jani Luukkanen wrote:

> Sorry for confusing explanation. The board has built in serial console 
> feature, which you can turn on from bios. This allows you to access the 
> machine through serial port no matter in what condition the machine 
> would be. (Hanging in the boot-phase or kernel dead)
> Option has been set up so that the serial console replaces one of the 
> comports. (In this case it would be replacing Com1 in the 5.3 machine) 
> 4.10 is of course configured with ordinary serial ports so that it would 
> have access to the serial terminal of the other machine.
> Might be this is irrelevant but just wondering does BSD need in that 
> case some special conf for this purpose or just needs replacing the 
> getty settings. (Previously with 4.10 configuration i managed to connect 
> through minicom)

Hmm. This is a different case altogether. I suspect that the 5.3
kernel is intefering with your BIOS console. You may have to disble
the kernel from recognising the port altogether so that it doesn't get
in the way.

Jonathan Chen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                                                          Jesus saves.
                                                       Allah forgives.
                             Cthulu thinks you'd make a nice sandwich.
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