Good Morning,

I am having problems installing FreeBSD 5.3. It appears that the installation 
options do not include: "Configure XFree86 Server" and "Configure XFree86 
Desktop". I am aware that version 5.3 now uses "Xorg" vice "Xfree86" as the 
default X-Windows system.

I am fluent in several varies of Unix (Solaris, HPUX, Red Hat, SCO), but am new 
to FreeBSD. When installing FreeBSD 5.0, I was given the 2 above options, and 
was able to set a Gnome Desktop.

Numerous attempts to install FreeBSD 5.3, I was never given the above options, 
and although I was eventually able to get a brain-dead Gnome desktop to appear, 
I couldn't do anything with it. 

1) Why doesn't the FreeBSD 5.3 install give configuration options for the 
X-Windows server and desktop?

2) If the answer to #1 is that the "Xorg" implementation doesn't contain these, 
then please help me find the "easiest" way to setup the Gnome desktop following 
a new fresh installation.

My intent is to continue playing with FreeBSD, and explore "kick start" here at 

Thank you for your help,

Have A Wonderful Day,


Frank "Ivan" Woloschak
AG Communication Systems
623.581.4123      Beeper: 888.235.4081

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