Hi James,
Thanks for your interest. The page you indicate mentions rebuiding the kernel with HFS/HFS+ support. I found a chapter on rebuilding kernels in The Complete FreeBSD and I suppose the handbook also has something to say about it. I'll sort this out first and will come back to you about the scripts you mentioned.

James Seward wrote:
On 10/29/05, edward <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The iPod uses an HFS+ file system. It's been loaded from a Mac.
I would like to mount it to /mnt/ipod

A quick Google suggests you can try
http://people.freebsd.org/~yar/hfs/ to add HFS support to FreeBSD,
otherwise you're going to have to reformat your iPod for Windows and
then mount it as FAT.

I then added this line:
/dev/da0s2              /ipod           msdos   rw,noauto       0       0

to my fstab, and wrote myself a little ipod script I can use to mount
and umount/eject it.

To mount it it just mounts /ipod, and to eject it, i umounts /ipod and
then calls camcontrol eject on the right device ID to eject it (so the
iPod stops thinking it's connected).

I can offer further assistance with the 2nd half but not the 1st half of this :)


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