On 12/20/05, Gojyo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I manually started qmail-smtp.
> However, even if it's running, it doesn't listen on any socket.
> I think I'm missing something, but what?
> Is there some other thing that should I do?

I don't think qmail-smtpd is listening on any socket, but rather on on
stdin. So you could start qmail-smtpd from the command line and start
typing your SMTP session.

The normal way to run qmail-smtd is by way of tcpserver. This program
will listen on any socket and start any program on connect and
redirect the connection to the server's stdin, although inetd should
work also.

Se: http://cr.yp.to/qmail/faq/servers.html#tcpserver-smtpd
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