On Sat, Dec 21, 2002 at 02:25:09PM +0000, Voicu Liviu wrote:
> my problem is mounting vfat/ext3 partitions:

Mounting ext3 partitions under FreeBSD is apparently pretty much the
same degree of um, "challenge" as mounting ext2 partitions.  You need
a custom kernel with:

    options EXT2FS

compiled in.  See Chapter 9 of the Handbook
for detailed instructions.  Even so, Linux filesystem support is not
entirely without pitfalls.  The trick is apparently to always make
sure the ext{2,3} partitions are cleanly unmounted and to install and
make appropriate use of a recent version of e2fsprogs

> under linux my table looks like:

Linux partition names work like this:

  hd      --- 'hard disk': ie. an ATA disk device
    a     --- Drive 'a': the master drive on the primary channel
     1    --- Bios partition 1 ('Slice' in FreeBSD parlance)

If you have multiple drives, they are usually labelled according to:

  a  --- master, 1ary channel
  b  --- slave,  1ary channel
  c  --- master, 2ary channel
  d  --- slave,  2ary channel

[Aside: SCSI disks use the 'sd' driver and the drive letters 'a', 'b',
etc. are assigned in sequence in the order of the SCSI busses and ID

FreeBSD partition names work similarly:

  ad      -- 'ATA Disk' driver
    0     -- The first disk (usually the primary master)
     s1   -- Slice 1 (Bios partition 1)
       a  -- partition 'a' (FreeBSD partitions only)

FreeBSD defaults to numbering the drives in order of discovery so if
you have two disks thay will be ad0 and ad1, although this can be
overridden in the kernel configuration. The search order is '1ary
master, 1ary slave, 2ary master, 2ary slave'.

The slices are numbered s1, s2, s3, s4 --- the four primary partitions
---, s5, s6 etc. for logical or extended partitions.  FreeBSD should
be installed into a primary partition if you need it to be bootable...

[ SCSI disks use the 'da' (Direct access) driver, and are numbered in
order of SCSI bus and SCSI ID unless overridden in the kernel.]

> /dev/hda1 - > win2k


> /dev/hda2 - > root of gentoo linux


> /dev/hda3 - > swap of gentoo linux


> /dev/hda4 - > my freebsd workstation

> Any 1 please, how do I mount the partition of linux/win2k under freebsd?

Read carefully the mount(8), mount_ntfs(8), mount_msdos(8) and
mount_ext2fs(8), fstab(5) man pages, but in general it's something

    mount -t type -o options /dev/ad0sN /mnt/point

You'll need to add appropriate support to your kernel config to mount
the various different filesystem types, and note that some (NTFS in
particular) should probably only be mounted read-only.
> Every thing is named different in freebsd.

That's because everything is different in FreeBSD. Or at least, it's
most different at the kernel level.



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                       26 The Paddocks
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