Lowell Gilbert wrote:
Donald T Hayford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

I get the following error message when I try to open a file in Adobe
acroread7, after which acroread quits:

(acroread:7605): Gtk-WARNING **: Could not find the icon
'gnome-fs-home'. The 'hicolor' theme
was not found either, perhaps you need to install it.
You can get a copy from:

When I run pkg_info, I find the following items installed (among many

gtk-1.2.10_13       Gimp Toolkit for X11 GUI (previous stable version)
gtk-2.8.12          Gimp Toolkit for X11 GUI (current stable version)
hicolor-icon-theme-0.5 A high-color icon theme shell from the
FreeDesktop project

I couldn't find anything on 'gnome-fs-home'.  I am running the KDE
desktop, not gnome.

Are you running acroread from a command line?  It doesn't require any
FreeBSD Gnome or gtk support; it does the linux-gtk2 and linux-pango
ports, but those are direct dependencies.
The message above came when running from the command line and trying to open a file. If I run it from the KDE gui (by adding it to the menu), it just quietly disappears when I try to open a file. I didn't see any logged messages with the same information, but I don't know where to look.
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