At 13.23 16/03/2006 +0000, Alex Zbyslaw wrote:

Good luck.  If you try the newfs, please let us know how it turns out.

Hurra !
I resolved!

Obviously newfs did not resolve. :-(
i studied the problem from another point of view reading dump sources, as you suggested.
dump thinks that file has changed if :
a) modification date has changed
b) cdate has changed : cdate is the date of inode modification

throught stat utility (very nice) i noticed that every file under /home had a cdate very recent. comparing dates i got solution : sophos antivirus, that starts every night with a complete /home scan, modifies cdate. Unfortunately i installed sophos antivirus more or less in the same days of the power cut ...

I think that sophos support will receive a question in the next few days ... :-)

Thank for the support,

Best regards,
Paolo Tealdi

Ing. Paolo Tealdi              Servizi Informatici per le Biblioteche
Politecnico Torino             Phone : +39-011-5646714 , FAX : +39-011-5646799 Duca degli Abruzzi, 24 - 10129 Torino - ITALY Email : [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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