Pat Maddox wrote:

However if I run rsync -avz to back up my
server, it creates something like this:

/backup/march/19/home -> /usr/home

So if I were to go to /backup/march/19 and rm -rf * wouldn't it go and
delete everything in /usr/home?
Should add: In you shell, alias rm to "rm -i" which will ask you about deleting anything and everything. For an rm -r, once you are *sure* that you are deleting the right thing, you can ^C, pull back your command line and edit it to say "/bin/rm ...". If you are sure you are deleting the right thing, and if you always edit the command line then you should never(*) delete something you didn't want to.

(*) Of course, there will still be times when you are not paying enough attention and still manage to delete something you didn't intend to, but those times should be greatly reduced :-)


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