On Jul 24, 2006, at 10:23 PM, Micah wrote:
To save you some time, from my notes:
#finds all files modified before 1971
find / ! -newermt "1971-01-01 20:30"

I missed the part about "!" in the command. Thanks for the reply. I would have been at this for at least an hour of, "What the heck? Its all 'newer than' comparisons? How did that guy do it?" :)

The command found a number of files claiming to have a date of 1903 and 1933. They were all files that I migrated over from the last server via "tar czvpf archivename -C original-directory" commands. I don't know if this has anything to do with it. I'm mentioning it in case someone comes across our posts in a search and they need to find the solution to this same problem.

                                                        Thanks a bunch,
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