On Mon, Jan 13, 2003 at 11:16:50AM +0000, Rus Foster wrote:

> Is it my imagination or should FreeBSD automatically make run a cron job
> to generate a security report? If so does anyone have the cron line?

No, you're not imagining things.  See /etc/crontab for the invocation
of the periodic(8) script.  The security report is generated as part
of the daily periodic job.

If you aren't receiving the reports, check that a) they aren't piling
up in some mail queue somewhere:

    # mailq -v
    # mailq -Ac -v

or b) that the default settings in /etc/periodic.conf haven't been set
to redirect the report output somewhere else.  Look for the
'daily_status_security_enable', 'daily_status_security_inline' and
'daily_status_security_output' settings.  If you haven't got a
/etc/periodic.conf file that's OK, as you'll just end up using the
default settings from /etc/defaults/periodic.conf



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                       26 The Paddocks
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