On Dec 12, 2007, at 9:57 PM, N.J. Thomas wrote:

* jekillen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2007-12-12 20:42:47-0800]:
Q: When making changes to ntp.conf it is necessary to restart the

According to the ntpd docs, yes. The ntpd configuration docs say this:

    Ordinarily, ntpd reads the ntp.conf configuration file at startup
time in order to determine the synchronization sources and operating

Q: How is that done?

On FreeBSD, it is typically done via "/etc/rc.d/ntpd restart".

(I suspect ntpd reload or restart per rc script.. along the lines of
apachectl restart or postfix reload??? Kill -HUP pid ??? ) I am
looking at FreeBSD handbook and ntp documentation and have not found
the answers.

See the "Using rc under FreeBSD" section of the Handbook:

http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/ configtuning-rcd.html

It is based on Luke Mewburn's excellent NetBSD rc.d system. See the
document, "The Design and Implementation of the NetBSD rc.d system"
(PDF) here, it is an excellent read:


Thank you for your reply:
I missed it in the ntp docs I have. But maybe I was reading to fast
and impatiently.
I asked these questions because I switched the configuration file
that has all the tier 2 server listed to another machine and let the
remaining machines get time from it. So, now I can get on with it.
Jeff K

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