We have several postfix transport gateways on different networks all
working with local amavisd-maia+SA using a remote postgresql backend at
one location. I am getting delays in the queues on a gateway server at a
remote site since we added more memory to the db server. After seeing
the issues of "SA TIMED OUT" in the logs, seems this was happening prior
to the upgrade, but never to the extent, I guess, to delay much mail.
Queues on a gateway of the same network as the db server working fine,
but messages with the timeouts differ from one server to another.

After reading tuning, it suggests the SWAP should be double RAM.
According to dmesg...

real memory  = 3220635648 (3071 MB)
avail memory = 3150565376 (3004 MB)

we have 3GB of RAM available with actually 4GB physical RAM installed?
Anyway, the SWAP is only 2GB, even with the average usage shown here,
will increasing SWAP to 6-8GB help?

last pid: 49828;  load averages:  0.23,  0.21,  0.18    up 8+18:33:08  15:42:23
184 processes: 5 running, 158 sleeping, 21 waiting
CPU states:  2.6% user,  0.0% nice,  1.0% system,  0.0% interrupt, 96.4% idle
Mem: 446M Active, 1646M Inact, 236M Wired, 138M Cache, 112M Buf, 30M Free
Swap: 2048M Total, 164K Used, 2048M Free

I also have assumed in the past that db performance could be better if I
get off the system RAID-5 and put it on 1+0? The system has 4 SATA

All servers running FreeBSD 6.2 and latest ports of postfix+amavisd-maia
+SA+ClamAV. Thanks for any input.


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