Le Sun, 27 Apr 2008 09:13:06 +0200,
Ivan Toman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a __crit :

>    Hello!
>    I encountered big problem after switching router from gentoo to
>    freebsd. It does not properly reconnect ADSL link after loosing
>    connection, for example, when ISP cycle IP address or when I pull
> out cable from ADSL switcher for testing purporse. I cannot realize
> what's going on and really need help.
>    First problem get when ISP disconnect me after 24 hours due to IP
>    change. Link does not properly get reconnected. ppp tries to
> connect, and appearenty is connected, but something is wrong because
> no traffic is possible and after few seconds ppp goes down and
> reconnects again. And again and again.... 

If you kill ppp and restart it, does-it work again ?
When I was runing ppp on FreeBSD i saw few times this kind of "already
in network phase"  You can restart ppp each day with cron
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