> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kevin Downey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Let be the first of many to say, please do not top post.

Let me be the first to say please don't quote the entire posting
and the entire response.

> In a recent interview it was revealed that the New York Times does a
> lot of by hand html writing because it just gets you better html.

Of course it does.  And I would expect a really professional
site to do so.  But, your not paying attention to what he is

"... trying to determine exactly what causes firefox and konq to diverge..."

An html author who writes by hand MUST know about ALL browser 
idiosyncracies.  The OP does not want to know this or he would
have TESTED with all browsers years ago.  And the context indicates
he really doesen't want to know.

"...I've never learned an HTML editors because of the learning curve..."

Have you visited this guy's website and actually READ it?  This
isn't a stupid person here.  Anyone who gets an engineering degree
is perfectly capabably of surmounting the learning curve.  He

His website IS NOT the usual "techie" website full of instructions
on how to write better html, use this, that and so on.  He's simply
not interested in that - at least, not enough to actually want to
spend any time learning an HTML editor.

He doesen't WANT to surmount the learning curve, it is NOT that

What he wants is a shortcut, a means to QUICKLY get what he
has to say online, with minimal work, that will look OK in
all browsers.  He doesen't want the world's greatest website.
He just wants it good enough so that people will read his
philosophy, which is what he is really interested in.  Not
all this html stuff.

This comprises the VAST MAJORITY of all people posting stuff to
the web.  Of course, most of them are using template sites,
or myspace, or facebook, or whatever.  You might think a facebook
user isn't a web designer, but she thinks she is.  She is doing
the same thing a web designer does - put her information onto
the web so other people can read it.  And she is using a CMS
that takes care of all the icky details of making her stuff
look the same across all browsers.


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