[This is all that I was able to write down]Debug message screen output:

DEBUG: deviceTry: attempting to open /dev/cuad0
deviceTry: open of /dev/cuad1 failed
[This pattern follows to number 15 for both messages. I am going to assume zero 
here because of the way the items are listed in grub from 0]
Found a disk device named ad4
Executing command '/stand/gunzip /tmp/.doc/doc.tmp'
Command '/stand/gunzip /tmp/.doc/doc.tmp' returns a status of 0

[I set the sizes at 1g for /, 1286M swap, 768 /tmp, 2738 /var, 20G /usr, 4981 

Scan dev ad4 for root filesystem
scan dev ad4 for swap partition
[chose all distributions to extract at this time.]
Dist Masks: Dists fffff, Srcs: 3fffff Kernels: fffff
Xserver: fffff
[ftp chosen as method of installing]
Executing command '/stand/gunzip /tmp/.doc/doc.tmp'
Command '/stand/gunzip /tmp/.doc/doc.tmp' returns a status of 0
Init routine called for network device dc0
wrote ot /etc/resolv.conf
wrote out /etc/hosts
hostname= 'ftp.freebsd.org'
dir = '/'
Notify:Looking up host ftp.freebsd.org
Looking up hostname, ftp.freebsd.org, using getaddrinfo (AI_NUMERICHOST)
Looking up hostname, ftp.freebsd.org, using getaddrinfo()
Found DNS entry for ftp.freebsd.org successfully
InstallCommit: System state is 'init'
[The base extracts at this point and begins to hang with chunk 23 of 36. I hit 
CTRL+C to reinstate the media. Keyboard responsive]
User generated interrupt
[Base installs to 26 of 36 this time then hangs]
[At the end of every chunk was "PORT command successful, Consider using PASV"]

{Last two lines of crash at 26/36:}
"Sending: RETR base/base.ba
Sending: QUIT"
{CTRL+C repeated, switched to ftp1.freebsd.org as base repository]
OK. -Current directory is /pub/FreeBSD/releases/amd64/7.0-RELEASE
Sending CWD /
Sending CWD /pub/FreeBSD/snapshots/amd64
RETRE base/base.ba opening BINARY mode data connection for base/base.bs
Sending: QUIT
[sysinstall message is "FTP chdir to ftp://ftp.freebsd.org// returned error 
status: connection in wrong state"]
Shutdown called for network device dc0
ifconfig dc0 down
executing command 'ifconfig dc0 down' returns status of 0
Deleting default route
Executing command 'route -n delete default' delete net default
command 'route -n delete default' returns status of 0
disrtExtractTarball: path "base" dist "base" trdist "base" my_dir "/" is_base
No FTP connection open, cant get file base/base.inf
distExtraTarball: fname base/base.inf fp:0x0, intr : 1 mediaDevice:0x7c9962
Init routine called for network device dc0
[I typed "ifconfig dc0 up" on tty4 about this time]
A DHCP Inetrface, should already be up
Network initialized successfully
hostname= 'ftp.freebsd.org'
dir = '/'
Notify:Looking up host ftp1.freebsd.org
Looking up hostname, ftp1.freebsd.org, using getaddrinfo (AI_NUMERICHOST)
Looking up hostname, ftp1.freebsd.org, using getaddrinfo
route: writing to routing socket: No such process delete net default: not in 
Command 'route -n delete default' returns status of 1
distExtraTarball: fname base/base.inf fp:0x0, intr : 1 mediaDevice:0x0

[repeats the same each time I initialize. hard shutdown forced]

previous 2 posts by me stated system was freezing. I'm going to assume that 
with every "ifconfig dc0 down" and "route -n delete default" the "connecting to 
ftp.freebsd.org" was having trouble connecting.

I have a directory of /.snap, /cdrom, /dist, /dev, /etc, /stand, /tmp, /usr, 
/var now installed on the disk. No passwords or accounts created.
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