"Joey Mingrone" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I've been told that LaTeX is probably the best solution for creating
> scientific papers with math fonts, so I'm trying to get a working
> installation.

A noble ambition!

> fonts, but it seems they are in the teTex port, but that port
> conflicts with the tex port and it seems teTex is no longer being
> updated.

Alas the news about teTeX is true.

> Is there a guide for getting all this set up, or can some kind soul
> suggest a installation method that works well for them?

Have you had a look at TeXLive?


For FreeBSD that means downloading the iso, mounting it like this

mount_cd9660 -o ro /dev/`mdconfig -a -t vnode -f /path/to/file.iso` /mount-point

cd to the mount point and look out for script entitled install-tl.sh

the script pretty well takes you through the installation

Good luck!


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